From the moment we meet to the day we part, you will find my approach is intentional, yet laid back. Poised and professional, with enough space to let our hair down.
A bubbly, curly haired artist who floats somewhere between spicy and sweet. I'm happy living life out of my suitcase and treasure the ordinary moments at home.
A small town mountain girl with Italian blood pumping through my veins. I am known to get down with the get down. Like a smokey tequila mezcal at cocktail hour.
Seconds on salsa, palm trees swaying in a cool breeze, street markets and slow paced timelines.
Years in the wedding industry
Wedding Clients
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Photography
life behind the lens
Family, empowering women, small business, slow mornings, local cafes, sunset colors & really great hats.
Hustle culture, artificial people, boring anything.