I’m a 0 to 100 kinda girl. I often want/expect things to happen overnight. I put a ton of pressure on myself and when that doesn’t happen I feel stuck. Does this sound at all like you? Just me, okay cool keep reading.
We all know great accomplishments take time and nurturing, but most importantly they are made up of our failures. I’m ready to stop being afraid of making mistakes or taking longer to get where I want to be. OH HEY 27 when did you show up?!
I use to study triple the amount of time for tests in school because I SUCKED at test taking. I would bomb tests after hours of studying. I remember feeling defeated and angry that it came so easily to my friends. Why couldn’t I remember it the same way they did? I was always the last person left in the room taking a test.
On the other hand, I CRUSHED my writing assignments and I worked hard. I graduated with a GPA almost in the top of my class. I was captain of my soccer team and an editor for my school newspaper. But guess what? I still remember feeling like that wasn’t enough at times.
I remember my friends telling me what an amazing speaker I would be and how I could totally give the valedictorian speech to our graduating class. I even wrote one out. The thing is this: yes getting good grades can be a reflection on your hard work and knowledge. But we all learn differently and I wasn’t meant to be a doctor or a lawyer.
MY path and YOUR path are going to look a lot different. So stop comparing your C to someone else’s A because even if you are both dentists or marketing directors we are living different lives and we are different people with strengths and weaknesses to overcome.
I might not have been valedictorian but I sure as hell could have made that speech. I AM meant to be a leader and so are you. I know I am someone who shares from her heart when other people might think it’s cheesy. But I’m using my words to lift up the people around me. I found a path that fits my creative style of processing and it’s no surprise it’s STILL HARD WORK.
I’ve been working on trusting that I’m right where I am suppose to be. Having gratitude and faith in the steps I am taking which are moving me forward. What is your vision for your life? Maybe you take a look around and you need to give yourself some credit to where you are. And maybe just maybe the place you want to be is one more leap forward.
It can be SO freakin’ hard to follow your own path and not be constantly comparing your life to those around you. The thing is I love my life. I love the people in it and those people who are my competitors are also my teammates. We are each a working part that needs each others knowledge and compassion to grow.
Here is to showing up when it’s hard. Here is to showing up when you have failed. Here is to showing up when you are hurt or the vision of your life has done a 360.
Stay Spicy,

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