Finding the words to describe this day has been difficult. Mostly because it’s so much of a feeling inside me rather than something that can be explained through words. But I will give it my best shot. This intimate wedding in Ridgway Colorado was kind of like watching my life flash before my eyes and wondering how the heck time passed so quickly.

Emily was one of my first and closest friends in Elementary school. Em lived just a few blocks down the street in Montrose, CO and we would walk our dogs together through the neighborhood. Our summers were spent bawling our eyes out watching Animal Rescue shows while eating Nutty bars and talking about how we would be Veterinarians one day. We were both competitive but got along well. My dad coached us through middle-school basketball and soccer and we somehow dated 3 different sets of twin brothers in our tiny town.

.When Emily messaged me that she was ditching her plans of a traditional wedding in Vail, CO (with a guest list of 180) to an intimate ceremony with 25 people I lost my shit. Only from excitement of course.

I feel like God is just laughing and smiling down on me sometimes. The joy this job brings me is unlike anything I could have imagined for myself. There are so many experiences like this where my life has come full circle. Same is true with these love birds. Derek also grew up in that same small town and happened to be friends with her brother Travis. Emily’s dad officiated the wedding and it rained and we waited for the sun to break while she got ready in a tiny musician’s cabin surrounded by fields of wildflowers and open space. No one was rushed to get anywhere and spent the afternoon drinking beer and playing yard games! All of the food was homemade from friends and family. Everyone contributed and everyone was present to their love. It was honestly so magical.

I will end with what I know is true about my time spent with Emily and Derek.

  1. Time is SO SO SO precious. The way you choose to live every single moment matters. Our memories are like billions of little stars. Some stars are brighter than others, but they all exist in this vast and extraordinary place. Connected in some way or another.

  2. There is family that is blood and there is family that we choose.

  3. Derek is incredibly kind, full of depth and not afraid to show his emotion. I can honestly say he is absolutely perfect for Em.

Most importantly, after everything, they made a decision together to marry where Derek’s parent’s ashes were spread. In a tiny town they both grew up. On a mountainside with wild flowers and bike trails.Throughout the day everyone described them as “adventure partners” which they also shared as something they loved about each other during their vows.

On that note, wishing you many many many more adventures together. I love you both.

Stay Spicy,


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